Autumn at The Reggia | Events | La Venaria Reale
Tempio di Diana in the Gardens in autumn - Ph. Dario Fusaro

Autumn at The Reggia


Autumn dates at The Reggia of Venaria

The gentle charm of autumn arrives in the gardens of The Reggia. The colours of the foliage are slowly taking over

Surrounded by the enchanting scents and vibrant hues of the flourishing vegetable gardens and orchards, while leisurely strolling amidst the majestic trees of Park of La Mandria to reach the Castle bearing its name, we are captivated anew by the resplendence of this season.

The Reggia of Venaria offers a wide range of activities, starting with two major exhibitions: Monarchs at the Dining Table. Banquets at the Italian Courts (Sovrani a tavola. Pranzi imbanditi nelle corti italiane) and Turner. Landscapes of Mythology (Turner. Paesaggi della Mitologia), both open to the public in the Sale delle Arti until 28 January 2024.

Slow Food workshops: every Saturday in November, at 16.30, four workshops on food for adults will be held in the Reggia, in collaboration with Slow Food.

The traditional Feast of St Hubert is celebrated this year on 5 November. The celebrations for St Hubert, the patron saint of hunters, will end with a mass accompanied by hunting horns and dedicated to the saint.

Also on 5 November, in the afternoon, children and their families can take part in the Pumpkin hunt, with activities and a workshop inspired by the world of pumpkins.

On 25 November, two works by the Turin artist Hilario Isola will be on display in the Gardens of the Reggia. They are part of the "site-specific" project Hexapod Synergies (Sinergie Esapodi), which is related to sustainability. The project will conclude in the spring 2024 with a third work that will be set in the Potager Royal.

Autumn Harvest Festival: 25 November, preparing and tasting the traditional bagna cauda.

The Reggia di Venaria and the Gardens
Friday, 22 September 2023 to Friday, 08 December 2023


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